Diploma in Medical Astrology

* Course duration : 6 Month
* Taught on : Working Days/ Weekends
* Class duration & timing : 2 Hour, Flexible Timing
* Mode of teaching : Live Class
* Language of teaching : Hindi / English / Bangla
* Qualification : 10th Passed and Understand Hindi/English/Bangla

Syllabus :

  1. शरीर एवं रोग
  2. Concept of कब्ज ,पित , कफ
  3. Concept of 6,8,12 Houses
  4. Division of body parts according to Rasi
  5. Division of body parts according to Nakshtra
  6. Time of Disease
  7. Long term short term Disease
  8. Disease according to Rasi
  9. Disease according to Nakshtra
  10. Disease and body organ relation with Planets
  11. Chromotherapy
  12. Chant therapy